Designed with ❤️ in India
for frontline workers around the world

Protect your Emergency rooms, ICUs and Operating theatres

The Aerosol Box is a device that protects medical personnel from the patient's aerosolized respiratory droplets during any Aerosol Generating Procedures. ‍
Going forward, every Intensive or Critical care doctor runs the risk of being exposed to any aerosol borne pathogen. Along with PPE, the AeBox acts a shield preventing doctors from catching the infection from patients during their rapid response. Barriers like these are likely to be standard protocol in the post-COVID era.

Getting an AeBox to a hospital near you

AeBox is for everyone. It is a patent pending design which will be kept open source for everyone to use and manufacture. Our intent with the patent is to promote use while preventing misuse. Any fabricator in the world can get started with AEBOX with the open files below.


We will review your request and send across open files. We may request a video call with you to understand your intent further.

If you are a hospital who needs this equipment urgently, then please register your need so that a current manufacturer can ship it to you at the earliest. Currently it is being manufactured in Bangalore, India and is ready to be shipped anywhere in the world based on your needs.


If you would like for us to send you AeBox for your hospital, please fill up this form and we will get back to you with a delivery timeline and payment request.

Primary Medical Inputs

Dr. Gourishankar Reddy Manne, BGS Gleneagles Global hospital, Bangalore

Designed By

Prototyped by

FiniteLoop® is the registered trademark of Khyateh Consulting Pvt Ltd